Wednesday, 13 June 2018

After years of writing, re-writing, editing, proof-reading, attempting to get a printing of my book without a zillion flaws....AND after working the past few weeks to try to help my web designer/host to renovate my website...(I am sure I am a pain in the butt to those who deal with my "perfectionist OCD, ADD" personality) I AM OUT OF STEAM!  

This has taken more than 5 years!  I am not a spring chicken! Technology is mostly beyond my understanding.  SO...working with those who do know how you do this stuff...has been frustrating for all of us. We all make mistakes and create errors...but playing the "blame game" complicates the communication!

My great hope is that one of these days...'twill all be finished...(not me!) the projects!  And, of course, that my books will be sold...bills paid...and that SOMEBODY will be blessed by the stories I've shared.

As for the website...I must be nuts to invest in this cyber-tool at my age? Who does this?  Somebody (like me) who thinks they are still able to be in the race!  It's easy to sit in my red chair...type thousands of words, and pretend (like when I was a kid) that somebody out there will notice and care what I have to share!  

The past few years I have been BLOGGING on facebook...which cost me my family. They do not like my transparent "truthtelling"...baring my soul on nearly any subject that triggers the constant stream of consciousness.

NOW...that I have a youtube channel...(not sure what to do with it yet) and my blog is now connected to my website...I wonder if I am talking to outer space?  I have no followers!  Everybody I "talk to" on the internet knows my TIMELINE is where I express my thoughts!  

How do I redirect the ones who seem to care?  Hmm...we shall see!    

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