Sunday, 10 November 2013

It's Not about ME!

Passed over by some
to some you're a "gem"
ignored by many
don't worry 'bout them
God who made you
knows your worth
if they can't see it
carry on with mirth
Keep smiling and singing
and dance a bit too
celebrate often
the Gifts HE gave you
Give them away
often as you can
for that is exactly
what's in His Plan
Every good gift
is meant to be shared
we're not to count up
how many have cared
What a relief
when I can see
It really is not
at all about ME
Like a circus dog
I performed in the ring
and looked for approval
my songs I'd sing
Waiting to hear
compliments and applause
I know I was driven
and I know the cause
It's time to relax
and simply "be"
now that I know
It's NOT about ME
(by Jana Lapel for the book "Under the Makeup It's Me!")
c November 8, 2013

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